Are you a student and don’t know how to save money? Are you just starting Erasmus in a new city and money is just slipping through your fingers? Now, pick up your pen and paper and write down these 3 ways you can save money as an Erasmus student in 2022 without a hard cut. The more money you are able to save, the more you will be able to spend on traveling around the country where you are doing your Erasmus.
Set up a budget
A good way to do this is to plan yourself a daily, weekly, or monthly budget. Find out how much money you have and need to spend on so-called fixed costs. This includes rent, SIM card or city card, in short, the costs you have to pay every month. Once you know how much you have to spend on these things, try to predict how much you’ll need to spend on food per day. When buying food or eating out at restaurants, take advantage of coupons or discounts that will cut down on your costs. You can also try to get a card from the store where you store often, which entitles you to discounts. It is worth joining the local ESN community, where you can get discounts in some stores for being a member.
Plan your shopping
There’s probably no better place to go for unplanned shopping than the supermarket. I think we’ve all had time to throw something in the cart that we don’t need. To avoid such mishaps, it’s worth making a shopping list, which will also help you not to forget about something. While making the list, write down only the things that you definitely need. When you’re done shopping, take the receipt with you and check if you’re within the budget you planned for.
Save money on housing
One of the biggest expenses during an Erasmus exchange is definitely renting an apartment. If you are on Erasmus Education, you can ask about dormitory accommodation (if the university has it). However, if you are on an internship it is very possible that you will have to find accommodation yourself. Use the Facebook groups to find other people who are currently looking for accommodation, you might find your future roommate. You may also want to consider renting a room, it can greatly reduce your rental costs. It can also reduce the cost of cleaning or food since you can share the cost with your roommates. Look for such opportunities on local Facebook groups or ask friends if you have one in your city. If you are planning to come to Turkey, you can find some practical advice on how to find an apartment in Turkey.
In addition to the amazing Erasmus experience, you also gain many practical skills that you can use in your everyday life. You can read more about them in our last article. Budgeting and saving are very crucial, so try to keep an eye on your expenses. Remember, besides saving, also take the opportunity to travel, use the money you save to explore the beautiful country you are in. It is advisable to plan your budget rationally so that you can still enjoy life abroad and experience a foreign culture.